Editorial Board
Guide to Authors
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Editorial Board

Dr Nazek Al-gallas

Pasteur Institute,Tunis,

Prof Abdel Omri

Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada

Prof Salam Ibrahim

North Carolina A&T State University, North Carolina, United Satae

Dr Serap Argun Baris

Kocaeli University, Turkey

Dr Rahmat Omar

Pantai Hospital Cheras, Malaysia

Dr Marthandan Mahalingam

Catholic University of America, USA



Prof Ahmed G Hegazi
National Research Center, Egypt

Dr Sriram Chandramohan
Saudi Electronic UniversityAbha, KSA

Dr Nasroallah Moradi kor

Faculty of Medicine, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Dr Hakim Irfan Showkat

Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, India

Dr Yousef Alomi

General of Pharmaceutical Care Administration, KSA

Dr Mohammad Abdullah Yusuf

National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital, Bangladesh

Dr Wael Alkhiary

Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt

Dr Manikandan chidambaram

Gangasaras Diagnostic and Research Centre, India

Dr Muktikesh Dash

SCB Medical College and Hospital, India

Dr Ghalem Bachir Raho

University of Mascara, Algeria

Dr Gurjeet Singh

Mahatma Gandhi Misson’s Institute of Health Sciences, India

Dr Mojtaba Mohseni

University of Mazandaran, Iran

Dr Chateen Izaddin Ali Pambuk

University of Tikrit, Iraq

Dr Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Amin

National Research Centre, Egypt


Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobial Agents (JMAA)

Applications are invited for the post of Editor-in-Chief for JMAA . The role is for a three year term. The Editor-in-Chief will: Solicit, receive and process new contributions to the journal through the peer review process. Appoint and supervise the Associate Editors and the Editorial Board. Maintain and enhance the journal’s quality and reputation. Work with the publisher and the Editorial Board to develop the editorial strategy and direction of the journal and to serve as ambassador for the journal. Commission special issues and assign topical guest editors. The Editor-in-Chief will be supported by the online manuscript and peer review management system. Training will be provided on the system, and an Editorial Assistant will be assigned by the Publisher to assist the Editor and Associate Editors with the administration of the system.

experience with the peer review process associated with scholarly work; enthusiasm for building the journal’s content and reputation; and maintenance of high standards in research. Candidates should have a demonstrated ability to exercise timely, clear, and fair judgements in difficult decision-making circumstances, as well as excellent organizational skills and a high degree of commitment.

To submit your application, or for further details, please contact Editorial Office at 


Applications must include a letter of interest, specifically referring to why you believe you are particularly qualified for the role of Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobial Agents and how you see your role in the future development and direction of the journal. A CV should also be submitted.


Call for editorial board

The Editorial board consists of an international staff of outstanding specialists in different fields of Medicine and Biomedicine, in addition external referees are frequently engaged for particular topics.